This is the ci-utils Reference Manual, version 1.0.0, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Sat Mar 15 04:36:50 2025 GMT+0.
The main system appears first, followed by any subsystem dependency.
A set of tools for using CI platforms
Neil Lindquist <>
An internal system that loads the features before loading the rest of the systems
Neil Lindquist <>
Files are sorted by type and then listed depth-first from the systems components trees.
Packages are listed by definition order.
Definitions are sorted by export status, category, package, and then by lexicographic order.
Returns the name of the branch the build is from, or ‘NIL‘ for unknown and non-ci platforms.
Returns the directory that the code was copied into. When not on a known CI platform, the current working directory is returned.
Returns the build id for the given platform. ‘NIL‘ is returned on unsupported platforms.
Whether lisp is running on a CI platform.
Returns the ID of the current commit. For git projects, this is the commit’s SHA. ‘NIL‘ is returned on unsupported platforms.
Returns the current CI platform. When on a non-ci platform, nil is returned.
The following is the symbols for supported platforms
| Platform | Symbol Name |
| Travis CI | ‘:TRAVIS-CI‘ |
| Circle CI | ‘:CIRCLECI‘ |
| Appveyor | ‘:APPVEYOR‘ |
| GitLab CI | ‘:GITLAB-CI‘ |
| Bitbucket Pipelines | ‘:BITBUCKET-PIPELINES‘ |
| Azure Pipelines | ‘:AZURE-PIPELINES‘ |
| Github Actions | ‘:GITHUB-ACTIONS‘ |
| unknown ci systems | ‘:UNKNOWN-CI‘ |
Returns whether the build is for a pull/merge request. Unknown and non-ci platforms are considered to not be pull requests. A string containing the pull request number is returned for pull requests
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Jump to: | C F P S |