This is the cl-fixtures Reference Manual, version 0.1, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Sat Mar 15 04:54:32 2025 GMT+0.
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A simple library to create and use parameterized fixtures
Thomas Schaper
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#+AUTHOR: Thomas Schaper
#+TITLE: Lispy fixtures
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Have you ever wanted to test a function with all possible combination of some
arguments? Or have you even wanted to create fixtures that should be initialized
with different values? ~cl-fixtures~ tries to enable you to do these things.
* Usage
The primary feature of ~cl-fixtures~ are its fixtures and parameters.
** Fixtures
Fixtures are objects that are used to test a piece of software. The simplest way
to use a fixture would be doing a ~LET~ with a certain value. However after some
time you might want to use a certain fixture in multiple places so you define a
global variable. But the fixture might have some state and you need a fresh one
for each test, how to do this?
This is were cl-fixtures can help. Lets first define some fixtures.
*** Defining fixtures
The easiest way to define a fixture is with the ~DEFINE-SIMPLE-FIXTURE~ macro.
However it might happen that a certain fixture can have multiple values, and
each test should be ran with all options. In this case it is useful to use the
All these macro’s build on a ’master’ macro: ~DEFINE-FIXTURE~ (surprise). With
this macro you can create difficult fixtures that do setup and teardown between
options instead of just before and after yielding values.
Define a simple fixture that returns a single value.
Define a new simple fixture with the name ~NAME~. This fixture will execute
the ~BODY~ and ~CLEANUP~ as described in ~DEFINE-SEQUENCE-FIXTURE~.
However this time the body does not have to return a sequence but any value.
This value is used as the only value of the fixture.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(flet ((simple-func () :item))
(define-simple-fixture simpl1 () nil (simple-func)))
(collecting (with-fixtures (simpl1) (collect simpl1))))
(SIMPL1 #(:item))
Define a sequence fixture that returns a sequence.
Define a new sequence fixture with the name ~NAME~. This fixture will execute
~BODY~ with the given fixtures ~FIXTURES~ (which should be a list in the
format described in ~WITH-FIXTURES~) and it should return a sequence. Each
element in this sequence is used as if it was yielded from the fixture. This
means that if a sequence fixture that returns #(1 2) is used the fixture will
have two values: 1 and 2.
After the fixtures is used the function given in ~CLEANUP~ is called, if
~CLEANUP~ is ~NIL~ it will be ignored. This function should take exactly one
argument that is the result returned by the body. If there was a condition in
the body the cleanup function is not called. The cleanup is always called if the
body did return.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(define-sequence-fixture seq1 () nil (list 1 2 3))
(collecting (with-fixtures (seq1) (collect seq1))))
(SEQ1 #(1 2 3))
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (let ((exec 0))
(define-sequence-fixture seq2 ((item seq1))
(lambda (_) (declare (ignore _)) (incf exec))
(list item 4 5))
(list (collecting (with-fixtures (seq2) (collect seq2)))
(#(1 4 5 2 4 5 3 4 5) 3)
Define a new normal fixture.
This is the basic function to define a new fixture named ~NAME~ with the given
body ~BODY~. This fixture can use the given fixtures ~FIXTURES~ which should
be a list in the same format as specified in the ~WITH-FIXTURES~ macro.
Within the given body a variable is bound by the name given in ~MAPPER~. This
is the continuation of the fixtures. So to yield a value one must call the
function in this variable (by doing a funcall or something). This function
accepts exactly one argument: the value that should be yielded.
The return value of ~BODY~ is ignored.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (define-fixture test-fixture cont () (funcall cont 5))
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (list (define-fixture test-fixture cont () (funcall cont 5))
(define-fixture test-fixture cont () (funcall cont 6))
(collecting (with-fixtures (test-fixture) (collect test-fixture))))
*** Using fixtures
So now you have a few fixtures, but how to use them? The main way to use the
fixtures is by using the ~WITH-FIXTURES~ macro. It takes a list of fixtures and
a body and executes the body with all possible combinations of the given
fixtures (it makes calculates the cartesian product).
However this means that every fixture will get recalculated every time you use
it. Lets say we have a fixture ~DATABASE~ that is used by the ~USERS~ fixture.
We might a database and users in our body, but users should use the same
database as the ~USERS~ fixture. This will *NOT* happen if you use the
~WITH-FIXTURES~ macro, but fortunately there is the ~WITH-CACHED-FIXTURES~. If
we use this fixture like ~(with-cached-fixture (database users) ...)~ we will
have the desired behavior.
Execute the given ~BODY~ with the given ~FIXTURES~ bound in a implicit
The ~FIXTURES~ variable should be a list where each item can be of the
following forms:
- A symbol designating a fixture. This means bind the result of the fixture to
the variable with the same name as the fixture.
- A list with two elements like ~(BIND NAME)~ where ~BIND~ will be bound to
the result of the fixture designated by ~NAME~
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (progn (define-sequence-fixture simple () nil ’(1 2))
(equalp (collecting (with-fixtures (simple)
(collect simple)))
(collecting (with-fixtures ((a simple))
(collect a)))))
Multiple fixtures can occur multiple times in the fixture list, and this behaves
like one would suspect. However note that you have to alias at least one of them:
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (progn (define-sequence-fixture simple () nil ’(1 2))
(collecting (with-fixtures ((a simple) simple)
(collect a simple))))
#((1 1) (1 2) (2 1) (2 2))
This means that every fixture is evaluated every time it is being used. Take for
example this example:
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(define-fixture rand mapper () (funcall mapper (random 10.0)))
(define-fixture rand2 mapper (rand) (funcall mapper rand))
(collecting (with-fixtures (rand rand2) (collect (= rand rand2)))))
If this is not the behavior you want look at the ~WITH-CACHED-FIXTURES~ macro.
The return value of the ~BODY~ is ignored.
Execute the given ~BODY~ with the given ~FIXTURES~ with the values of the
fixtures cached.
The structure of ~FIXTURES~ is the same as in the ~WITH-FIXTURES~ macro.
However this macro does caching of the named fixtures in order. There are few
things to consider:
The first is that fixtures are evaluated, and therefore cached, in order. For
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(define-fixture first mapper () (funcall mapper (random 10.0)))
(define-fixture second mapper (first) (funcall mapper first))
(list (collecting (with-cached-fixtures (first second) (collect (= first second))))
(collecting (with-cached-fixtures (second first) (collect (= first second))))
(collecting (with-fixtures (second first) (collect (= first second))))))
(#(T) #(NIL) #(NIL))
In the first case the ~FIRST~ fixture is cached and replaced by the cached
version when we are executing the ~SECOND~ fixture. However as the fixture
list when defining the fixtures is a shorthand for ~WITH-FIXTURES~ it is not
cached when we reverse the order, so it has the same result as if
~WITH-FIXTURES~ was used. So if only executing the fixture once is important
for more than just performance simply wrap all the code in
The second thing to consider is the using the same fixture multiple times will
NOT result a Cartesian product.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(define-sequence-fixture test () nil ’(1 2 3))
(list (collecting (with-cached-fixtures ((a test) (b test))
(collect a b)))
(collecting (with-cached-fixtures ((a test))
(with-fixtures ((b test))
(collect a b))))))
(#((1 1) (2 2) (3 3)) #((1 1) (2 2) (3 3)))
*** Removing fixtures
You can also remove fixtures by using the ~UNDEFINE-FIXTURE~ macro. Please note
that just uninterning the fixture name is not enough as the fixtures are saved
in an internal hash-map.
If you try to use a fixture that is not defined this will result in a
Undefine the given fixture ~NAME~.
If you try to undefine a fixture while it is in use the resulting behavior will
be unspecified.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(define-simple-fixture fixture () nil :item)
(collecting (with-fixtures (fixture) (collect fixture)))
(undefine-fixture fixture)
(incf-cl:signals-p undefined-fixture
(collecting (with-fixtures (fixture) (collect fixture)))))
(fixture #(:item) fixture T)
This condition will be signaled if a fixture is used that is
undefined. This will only happen if this fixture is used during runtime.
** Parameterize
’Parameterizing’ is like creating anonymous fixtures. However these anonymous
fixtures are somewhat more strict than actual fixtures as no inheritance is
possible. The binding is very much like ~LET~ but instead of binding a single
value all possible values are bound. Once again the Cartesian product of all
options is calculated.
Such a Cartesian product is not really traditional for parameterized tests. The
more traditional behavior is to specify a sequence with different options for
each element (this is the way pytest uses it). This behavior is also possible
with the ~WITH-LOCKED-PARAMETERS~ macro, it is named this way as the options are
fixed or locked.
Execute the given body ~BODY~ with the Cartesian product of the bindings.
The ~BINDINGS~ is of the form ~(NAME VALUE)~ where ~NAME~ is the name of
the variable that will be bound in the body. The ~VALUE~ will be evaluated and
should return a function or sequence.
If the value returns a function this function should take one argument which is
the current continuation. This function should be called with the value that
should be yielded. If the value returns a sequence this sequence will be mapped
over, so ~NAME~ will be every item of this sequence.
This macro is essentially a way to make anonymous fixtures.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting
(with-parameters ((a (list 1 2))
(b #(4 5 6))
(c (lambda (cont) (funcall cont :next)
(funcall cont :item))))
(collect a b c)))
#((1 4 :next) (1 4 :item) (1 5 :next) (1 5 :item) (1 6 :next) (1 6 :item)
(2 4 :next) (2 4 :item) (2 5 :next) (2 5 :item) (2 6 :next) (2 6 :item))
If no parameters are specified ~BODY~ will run once. If parameters are
specified but one of the sequences has a length of zero or the function does not
call the continuation ~BODY~ will not be executed.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-parameters () (collect :one)))
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-parameters ((a nil)) (collect a)))
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-parameters ((a nil) (b ’(1 2))) (collect a b)))
The return value of ~BODY~ is ignored.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (with-parameters () :value)
Execute the given ~BODY~ with the given parameters named by ~NAMES~.
The forms ~BODY~ will be executed with the variables in ~NAMES~ bound to the
values in ~BINDINGS~. This ~BINDINGS~ form should be of the form
~(combination-1 combination-2 ...)~. Each combination will be evaluated and
should return a list of the length of the list specified in the ~NAMES~
variable. The first variable in ~NAMES~ will be bound to the first value in
the combination list, and the second value to the second item and so on.
The return value of the ~BODY~ is not preserved.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting
(with-locked-parameters (a b)
(’(1 2)
(list 3 4))
(collect a b)))
#((1 2) (3 4))
If no parameters are specified ~BODY~ will be executed once. If there are
parameters specified but no bindings ~BODY~ will not be executed.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-locked-parameters () () (collect :one)))
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting
(with-locked-parameters (a) ()
(declare (ignore a))
(collect :one)))
Please note that the bindings and ~BODY~ are evaluated by turn. So first the
first binding, the first time ~BODY~ the second biding, ~BODY~ for the
second time and so on.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
CL-FIXTURES> (with-output-to-string (str)
(with-locked-parameters (a) ((list (format str "Hello"))
(list (format str "Bye")))
(declare (ignore a))
(format str " Thomas.~%")))
"Hello Thomas.
Bye Thomas.
* Efficiency
Like any other library we have to talk a bit about efficiency. As this library
focuses on being used in a unit-testing setup it is not optimized for speed.
Quite a few intermediated anonymous functions are used, some of which could be
optimized out. However this library tries to be fast and efficient enough to not
break your test setup.
A Cartesian product can become quite large quite quickly as the size is equal to
~(reduce #’* (mapcar #’length sequences))~. Therefore this library does not try
to first calculate it but it executes the values directly. This has the
advantage of not blowing up your memory usage, however it will use some stack
Furthermore the user of this library must take caution when doing expensive
calculations within the setup of the fixtures or within the body of a
~WITH-FIXTURES~ (or alike) macro. This because of the just mentioned size.
* Installation
Installation is possible by simply loading ~CL-FIXTURES~
from [Quicklisp](
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(ql:quickload :cl-fixtures)
This should work for all the supported lisp versions which are:
- sbcl
- ccl
- abcl
- ecl
* Contributing
Contributions are welcome. To do this simply start hacking away. Please write
tests and documentation. To generate this README you should alter
~docs/ and execute ~make docs~. To include docstrings in the README
use the ~doc-of~ djula tag.
* Author
- Thomas Schaper (
* Copyright
Copyright © 2017 Thomas Schaper (
* License
Licensed under the MIT License.
Modules are listed depth-first from the system components tree.
Files are sorted by type and then listed depth-first from the systems components trees.
(special variable).
Packages are listed by definition order.
(special variable).
Definitions are sorted by export status, category, package, and then by lexicographic order.
Define a new normal fixture.
This is the basic function to define a new fixture named "NAME" with the given
body "BODY". This fixture can use the given fixtures "FIXTURES" which should
be a list in the same format as specified in the "WITH-FIXTURES" macro.
Within the given body a variable is bound by the name given in "MAPPER". This
is the continuation of the fixtures. So to yield a value one must call the
function in this variable (by doing a funcall or something). This function
accepts exactly one argument: the value that should be yielded.
The return value of "BODY" is ignored.
CL-FIXTURES> (define-fixture test-fixture cont () (funcall cont 5))
CL-FIXTURES> (list (define-fixture test-fixture cont () (funcall cont 5))
(define-fixture test-fixture cont () (funcall cont 6))
(collecting (with-fixtures (test-fixture) (collect test-fixture))))
Define a sequence fixture that returns a sequence.
Define a new sequence fixture with the name "NAME". This fixture will execute
"BODY" with the given fixtures "FIXTURES" (which should be a list in the
format described in "WITH-FIXTURES") and it should return a sequence. Each
element in this sequence is used as if it was yielded from the fixture. This
means that if a sequence fixture that returns #(1 2) is used the fixture will
have two values: 1 and 2.
After the fixtures is used the function given in "CLEANUP" is called, if
"CLEANUP" is "NIL" it will be ignored. This function should take exactly one
argument that is the result returned by the body. If there was a condition in
the body the cleanup function is not called. The cleanup is always called if the
body did return.
(define-sequence-fixture seq1 () nil (list 1 2 3))
(collecting (with-fixtures (seq1) (collect seq1))))
(SEQ1 #(1 2 3))
CL-FIXTURES> (let ((exec 0))
(define-sequence-fixture seq2 ((item seq1))
(lambda (_) (declare (ignore _)) (incf exec))
(list item 4 5))
(list (collecting (with-fixtures (seq2) (collect seq2)))
(#(1 4 5 2 4 5 3 4 5) 3)
Define a simple fixture that returns a single value.
Define a new simple fixture with the name "NAME". This fixture will execute
the "BODY" and "CLEANUP" as described in "DEFINE-SEQUENCE-FIXTURE".
However this time the body does not have to return a sequence but any value.
This value is used as the only value of the fixture.
(flet ((simple-func () :item))
(define-simple-fixture simpl1 () nil (simple-func)))
(collecting (with-fixtures (simpl1) (collect simpl1))))
(SIMPL1 #(:item))
Undefine the given fixture "NAME".
If you try to undefine a fixture while it is in use the resulting behavior will
be unspecified.
(define-simple-fixture fixture () nil :item)
(collecting (with-fixtures (fixture) (collect fixture)))
(undefine-fixture fixture)
(incf-cl:signals-p undefined-fixture
(collecting (with-fixtures (fixture) (collect fixture)))))
(fixture #(:item) fixture T)
Execute the given "BODY" with the given "FIXTURES" with the values of the
fixtures cached.
The structure of "FIXTURES" is the same as in the "WITH-FIXTURES" macro.
However this macro does caching of the named fixtures in order. There are few
things to consider:
The first is that fixtures are evaluated, and therefore cached, in order. For
(define-fixture first mapper () (funcall mapper (random 10.0)))
(define-fixture second mapper (first) (funcall mapper first))
(list (collecting (with-cached-fixtures (first second) (collect (= first second))))
(collecting (with-cached-fixtures (second first) (collect (= first second))))
(collecting (with-fixtures (second first) (collect (= first second))))))
(#(T) #(NIL) #(NIL))
In the first case the "FIRST" fixture is cached and replaced by the cached
version when we are executing the "SECOND" fixture. However as the fixture
list when defining the fixtures is a shorthand for "WITH-FIXTURES" it is not
cached when we reverse the order, so it has the same result as if
"WITH-FIXTURES" was used. So if only executing the fixture once is important
for more than just performance simply wrap all the code in
The second thing to consider is the using the same fixture multiple times will
NOT result a Cartesian product.
(define-sequence-fixture test () nil ’(1 2 3))
(list (collecting (with-cached-fixtures ((a test) (b test))
(collect a b)))
(collecting (with-cached-fixtures ((a test))
(with-fixtures ((b test))
(collect a b))))))
(#((1 1) (2 2) (3 3)) #((1 1) (2 2) (3 3)))
Execute the given "BODY" with the given "FIXTURES" bound in a implicit
The "FIXTURES" variable should be a list where each item can be of the
following forms:
- A symbol designating a fixture. This means bind the result of the fixture to
the variable with the same name as the fixture.
- A list with two elements like "(BIND NAME)" where "BIND" will be bound to
the result of the fixture designated by "NAME"
CL-FIXTURES> (progn (define-sequence-fixture simple () nil ’(1 2))
(equalp (collecting (with-fixtures (simple)
(collect simple)))
(collecting (with-fixtures ((a simple))
(collect a)))))
Multiple fixtures can occur multiple times in the fixture list, and this behaves
like one would suspect. However note that you have to alias at least one of them:
CL-FIXTURES> (progn (define-sequence-fixture simple () nil ’(1 2))
(collecting (with-fixtures ((a simple) simple)
(collect a simple))))
#((1 1) (1 2) (2 1) (2 2))
This means that every fixture is evaluated every time it is being used. Take for
example this example:
(define-fixture rand mapper () (funcall mapper (random 10.0)))
(define-fixture rand2 mapper (rand) (funcall mapper rand))
(collecting (with-fixtures (rand rand2) (collect (= rand rand2)))))
If this is not the behavior you want look at the "WITH-CACHED-FIXTURES" macro.
The return value of the "BODY" is ignored.
Execute the given "BODY" with the given parameters named by "NAMES".
The forms "BODY" will be executed with the variables in "NAMES" bound to the values in "BINDINGS". This "BINDINGS" form should be of the form "(combination-1 combination-2 ...)". Each combination will be evaluated and should return a list of the length of the list specified in the "NAMES" variable. The first variable in "NAMES" will be bound to the first value in the combination list, and the second value to the second item and so on.
The return value of the "BODY" is not preserved.
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting
(with-locked-parameters (a b)
(’(1 2)
(list 3 4))
(collect a b)))
#((1 2) (3 4))
If no parameters are specified "BODY" will be executed once. If there are
parameters specified but no bindings "BODY" will not be executed.
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-locked-parameters () () (collect :one)))
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting
(with-locked-parameters (a) ()
(declare (ignore a))
(collect :one)))
Please note that the bindings and "BODY" are evaluated by turn. So first the
first binding, the first time "BODY" the second biding, "BODY" for the
second time and so on.
CL-FIXTURES> (with-output-to-string (str)
(with-locked-parameters (a) ((list (format str "Hello"))
(list (format str "Bye")))
(declare (ignore a))
(format str " Thomas.~%")))
"Hello Thomas.
Bye Thomas.
Execute the given body "BODY" with the Cartesian product of the bindings.
The "BINDINGS" is of the form "(NAME VALUE)" where "NAME" is the name of
the variable that will be bound in the body. The "VALUE" will be evaluated and
should return a function or sequence.
If the value returns a function this function should take one argument which is
the current continuation. This function should be called with the value that
should be yielded. If the value returns a sequence this sequence will be mapped
over, so "NAME" will be every item of this sequence.
This macro is essentially a way to make anonymous fixtures.
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting
(with-parameters ((a (list 1 2))
(b #(4 5 6))
(c (lambda (cont) (funcall cont :next)
(funcall cont :item))))
(collect a b c)))
#((1 4 :next) (1 4 :item) (1 5 :next) (1 5 :item) (1 6 :next) (1 6 :item)
(2 4 :next) (2 4 :item) (2 5 :next) (2 5 :item) (2 6 :next) (2 6 :item))
If no parameters are specified "BODY" will run once. If parameters are
specified but one of the sequences has a length of zero or the function does not
call the continuation "BODY" will not be executed.
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-parameters () (collect :one)))
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-parameters ((a nil)) (collect a)))
CL-FIXTURES> (collecting (with-parameters ((a nil) (b ’(1 2))) (collect a b)))
The return value of "BODY" is ignored.
CL-FIXTURES> (with-parameters () :value)
This condition will be signaled if a fixture is used that is undefined. This will only happen if this fixture is used during runtime.
The hash-table where all the current fixtures are bound. They are stored with their symbol (name) as their key and the function as the value. This variable should only be modified by "DEFINE*-FIXTURE" macro’s or when lexically bound.
The start point of creating a fixture.
This converts the given body to a
lambda and modifies the fixtures list to be in the form of "((BIND-NAME
FIXTURE-NAME) ...)". This list of fixtures is passed to "WITH-FIXTURES-REC".
Call the given "FUNC" using fixtures.
The "TODO" list consists of lists in the form of "(BIND-NAME FIXTURE-NAME)",
these are the fixtures that are not yet used. The "DONE" lists consists of a
list of "BIND-NAME" items which are the names of the variables to be used as
symbols. Using a single fixture is done by finding the fixture in the given
"HASH-TABLE" and calling this function with the expansion of
"WITH-FIXTURES-REC" as function. If no fixtures are left (the "TODO" list is
empty) the given function "FUNC" is called.
If "CACHEDP" is not nil the used fixtures will be cached.
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*fixtures* : | Private special variables | ||
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Special Variable, *fixtures* : | Private special variables | ||
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