This is the equals Reference Manual, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Sat Mar 15 06:06:08 2025 GMT+0.
The main system appears first, followed by any subsystem dependency.
Generic Equality and Comparison for Common Lisp
Files are sorted by type and then listed depth-first from the systems components trees.
Packages are listed by definition order.
Definitions are sorted by export status, category, package, and then by lexicographic order.
Returns T when COMPARE returns >.
Returns T when COMPARE returns >.
Returns T when COMPARE returns > or =.
Returns T when COMPARE returns <.
Returns T when COMPARE returns <.
Returns T when COMPARE returns < or =.
Returns T when COMPARE returns < or =.
Returns T when COMPARE returns > or =.
The generic function COMPARE defines methods to test the ordering of two
objects a and b, if such order exists. The result value returned by COMPARE is
one of the four symbols: <, >, =, or /=. The COMPARE function returns /= as
result by default; thus it can represent partial orders among objects. The
equality tests should be coherent with what the generic function EQUALS does.
If the argument recursive is T, then COMPARE may recurse down the ’structure’ of a and b. The description of each known method contains the relevant information about its recursive dependent behavior.
) (y symbol
) &rest key &key recursive &allow-other-keys) ¶string
) (y string
) &rest keys &key recursive case-sensitive &allow-other-keys) ¶character
) (y character
) &rest keys &key recursive case-sensitive &allow-other-keys) ¶number
) (y number
) &rest keys &key recursive &allow-other-keys) ¶The EQUALS generic functions defines methods to test for ’equality’
of two objects a and b. When two objects a and b are EQUALS under an
appropriate and context-dependent notion of ’equality’, then the function
returns T as result; otherwise EQUALS returns NIL as result.
If the argument recursive is T, then EQUALS may recurse down the ’structure’ of a and b. The description of each known method contains the relevant information about its recursive dependent behavior.
) (y hash-table
) &rest keys &key recursive by-key by-value check-properties &allow-other-keys) ¶standard-object
) (y standard-object
) &rest keys &key recursive &allow-other-keys) ¶structure-object
) (y structure-object
) &rest keys &key recursive &allow-other-keys) ¶array
) (y array
) &rest keys &key recursive &allow-other-keys) ¶string
) (y string
) &rest keys &key recursive case-sensitive &allow-other-keys) ¶character
) (y character
) &rest keys &key recursive case-sensitive &allow-other-keys) ¶cons
) (y cons
) &rest keys &key recursive &allow-other-keys) ¶number
) (y number
) &rest keys &key recursive epsilon &allow-other-keys) ¶Associates a unique fixnum hash-code for an object that can
be compared with EQUALS for use as hash table functions. (equals x y)
should agree with (= (hash-code x) (hash-code y)). See SXHASH.
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