This is the ook Reference Manual, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Sat Mar 15 07:16:08 2025 GMT+0.
The main system appears first, followed by any subsystem dependency.
A CL compiler and enviroment for literate Orangutans.
Marco ’Wizzard’ Antoniotti
Public Domain
Files are sorted by type and then listed depth-first from the systems components trees.
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
Packages are listed by definition order.
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
Definitions are sorted by export status, category, package, and then by lexicographic order.
ACTUALLY, the main request for interpretation of OOKS.
Naturally, to be asked gently.
It compiles the OOKS and executes them if the optional RUN parameter is T;
it returns the compiled function that contains the OOKS. The function
can then be reused as needed.
Arguments and Values:
OOKS : some ’ooks’.
RUN : a generalized boolean, default is T.
result : a compiled function taking no arguments.
cl-prompt> (gently-ask-the-librarian #P"bottles.ook")
The compiler (which eventually calls the <strong>CL</strong> <code>compile</code>
function) may take a long time. Whether this is due to the size of
the TAGBODY generated or whether the Librarian has run out of bananas
and went looking for them in the Unseen University kitchen, it is
unknown, but, surely, somewhat magical.
See Also:
The Ook decompiler.
Takes the LAMBDA generated by the compiler and wirtes out the programs
in a format readable by an orangutan (or by a well fed and drunk
wizard, unless he is asleep, which will be the case most of the time
when well fed and drunk).
I am repeating this because KOO is called by OOK! (the decompiler) and
wizards have been known to require more than one repetition of whatever
it is said (especially during Faculty Meetings.)
See Also:
The Ook decompiler.
Takes the LAMBDA generated by the compiler and wirtes out the programs
in a format readable by an orangutan (or by a well fed and drunk
wizard, unless he is asleep, which will be the case most of the time
when well fed and drunk).
See Also:
The main request for interpretation of OOKS.
Or to peel a banana. Works as well. It is actually a wrapper for
gently asking the Librarian for some information.
See Also:
The OOK compiler entry point.
This generic function just wraps the actual compiler, which expects a
list of - you guessed it - ’ooks’.
Arguments and Values:
OOKS : see the methods’ descriptions.
result : a lambda-expression taking no arguments.
You are in trouble! This method says ’monkey?!?.
)) ¶OOKS is a list of OOKs to be compiled pair by pair.
The result is a LAMBDA of no arguments that contains the compiled program (essentially a giant TAGBODY).
)) ¶Compiles the OOKS from the (banana) STREAM.
)) ¶The pathname containing the OOKS is opened and its content read.
)) ¶Dispatches on a pathname containing the OOKS.
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