This is the pludeck Reference Manual, version 1.0.0, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Sat Mar 15 07:22:55 2025 GMT+0.
The main system appears first, followed by any subsystem dependency.
A friendly interface for creating a Plump DOM.
Joram Schrijver <>
Files are sorted by type and then listed depth-first from the systems components trees.
(special variable).
Packages are listed by definition order.
(special variable).
Definitions are sorted by export status, category, package, and then by lexicographic order.
Create a comment with the closest enclosing element as the parent.
Returns the comment node.
Create a CDATA element with the closest enclosing element as the parent.
Returns the CDATA node.
Create a doctype element with the closest enclosing element as the parent.
Returns the doctype node.
Create a new element, with the closest enclosing element as the parent. This
element will in turn serve as the parent for any elements constructed in its
Note that this binding is dynamic, meaning an element constructed inside a
function called from the body will also have this DOM root as its parent.
TAG/ATTRIBUTES can either be a string, which will be used as the tag name, or a
list. If it is a list, the first item should be a string that serves as the tag
name, and the rest of the items form a plist of attribute names and values.
Both the names and the values are evaluated. If a name evaluates to a symbol,
its lowercased name is used as the attribute name. In all other cases the value
of (PRINC-TO-STRING name) is used. The values are also passed to
Any non-list in the body (non-recursive) is wrapped in a call to <>TEXT.
Returns the constructed element.
Define a macro to simplify construction of a specific type of DOM element.
The macro will be named NAME, and TAG will be the tag name of the elements it
produces. The arguments for this newly defined macro depend on the values of
- If neither ATTRIBUTES nor CONTENT is true, the macro will take no arguments.
- If ATTRIBUTES is true and CONTENT is not, the macro will take attribute names
and values as direct arguments.
- If CONTENT is true and ATTRIBUTES is not, the macro will take a body as its
arguments. This body will get the same treatment as the one for <>.
- If both ATTRIBUTES and CONTENT are true, the macro will take a list of attribute names and values as its first argument, followed by a body. This body will similarly get the same treatment as the one for <>.
Create a new fulltext node with the closest enclosing element as the parent.
A fulltext node is a DOM element that contains text that is not escaped using HTML entities. This is primarily useful for <style> and <script> in HTML.
Returns the constructed text node.
Bind a new Plump DOM root as the parent for enclosed elements.
Note that this binding is dynamic, meaning an element constructed inside a function called from the body will also have this DOM root as its parent.
Any non-list in the body (non-recursive) is wrapped in a call to <>TEXT.
Returns the constructed DOM root.
Create a new text node with the closest enclosing element as the parent.
Returns the constructed text node.
Bind the given element as the parent for enclosed elements.
Note that this binding is dynamic, meaning an element constructed inside a function called from the body will also have this DOM root as its parent.
Any non-list in the body (non-recursive) is wrapped in a call to <>TEXT.
Returns the given parent element.
Create a new XML header with the closest enclosing element as the parent.
Attributes are handled just like in <>.
Returns the XML header node.
Transform a plist of attributes into a list of calls to SETF, putting those attributes into a Plump attribute map. Both the keys and the values are evaluated. An evaluated key may either be a symbol, in which it is lowercased, or any other value that can be turned into a string using PRINC-TO-STRING.
Wrap any element of the body that is not a list in <>text.
Jump to: | <
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Jump to: | <
F M P |
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Index Entry | Section | ||
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* | |||
*parent* : | Private special variables | ||
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S | |||
Special Variable, *parent* : | Private special variables | ||
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Jump to: | F P S |
Jump to: | F P S |