This is the read-number Reference Manual, version 20230105.1030, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Sat Mar 15 07:37:59 2025 GMT+0.
The main system appears first, followed by any subsystem dependency.
Reading numbers from an input stream.
Ralph Schleicher <>
Modified BSD License
Files are sorted by type and then listed depth-first from the systems components trees.
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
Packages are listed by definition order.
Reading numbers from an input stream without using the Lisp reader.
The ‘read-integer’ and ‘read-float’ functions are designed to read external number representations. The ‘read-number’ function (to be defined) is reserved for reading any Lisp number representation.
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
Definitions are sorted by export status, category, package, and then by lexicographic order.
Controls the set of valid decimal point (or better radix point)
characters when reading an external number representation and no
explicit decimal point keyword argument is specified. Value has to
be a sequence of characters. The default is ‘.’ (Unicode U+002E,
full stop).
Another candidate for this character set is ‘,’ (Unicode U+002C, comma). ISO 31 uses the decimal point in the international English version of the standard and the decimal comma in the original French version. Interactive applications should accept both variants to improve usability.
Controls the set of valid exponent marker characters when reading
an external number representation and no explicit exponent marker
keyword argument is specified. Value has to be a sequence of
characters. The default is ‘E’, ‘e’, ‘D’, and ‘d’.
Another candidate for this character set is ‘⏨’ (Unicode U+23E8, decimal exponent symbol).
Controls the set of valid group separator characters when reading
an external number representation and no explicit group separator
keyword argument is specified. Value has to be a sequence of
characters. The default is the empty set.
Candidates for this character set are ‘’’ (Unicode U+0027, apostrophe), ‘_’ (Unicode U+005F, low line), ‘ ’ (Unicode U+00A0, no-break space), and ‘ ’ (Unicode U+202F, narrow no-break space). The preferred group separator according to ISO 31 is the narrow no-break space character.
Controls the set of valid minus sign characters when reading an
external number representation and no explicit minus sign keyword
argument is specified. Value has to be a sequence of characters.
The default is ‘-’ (Unicode U+002D, hyphen-minus).
Another candidate for this character set is ‘−’ (Unicode U+2212, minus sign).
Controls the set of valid plus sign characters when reading an external number representation and no explicit plus sign keyword argument is specified. Value has to be a sequence of characters. The default is ‘+’ (Unicode U+002B, plus sign).
Read a floating-point number from an input stream.
Optional first argument INPUT-STREAM is an input stream designator.
The default is standard input.
Optional second argument EOF-ERROR-P is a generalized boolean.
If an end of file error occurs and EOF-ERROR-P is false, EOF-VALUE
is returned. Otherwise, signal an ‘end-of-file’ error. The default
is true.
Optional third argument EOF-VALUE is an object. See above for more
details. The default is nil.
Optional fourth argument RECURSIVEP is a generalized boolean. True
means that this call is expected to be embedded in a higher-level
call to ‘read’ or a similar function used by the Lisp reader. The
default is false.
Keyword argument UNSIGNED-NUMBER is a generalized boolean. True means
to read an unsigned positive number. If UNSIGNED-NUMBER is ‘:plus’,
an explicit plus sign character signals a ‘parse-error’ but negative
numbers are permitted. The default is false.
Keyword argument PLUS-SIGN is a sequence of valid plus sign
characters. The plus sign is used to denote a positive number.
The default is the value of the ‘*default-plus-sign*’ special
Keyword argument MINUS-SIGN is a sequence of valid minus sign
characters. The minus sign is used to denote a negative number.
The default is the value of the ‘*default-minus-sign*’ special
Keyword argument GROUP-SEPARATOR is a sequence of valid group
separator characters. The group separator is used to separate the
digits of a number into groups. The default is the value of the
‘*default-group-separator*’ special variable. The group separator
of a number can not change, i.e. the first matching group separator
fixes the group separator for the rest of the number.
Keyword argument DECIMAL-POINT is a sequence of valid decimal point
characters. The decimal point is used to separate the integer part
of the significand from its fractional part. The default is the
value of the ‘*default-decimal-point*’ special variable.
Keyword argument EXPONENT-MARKER is a sequence of valid exponent
marker characters. The exponent marker is used to separate the
significand from the exponent. It does not specify the data type
of the return value. The default is the value of the
‘*default-exponent-marker*’ special variable.
Keyword argument FLOAT-FORMAT specifies the data type of the
return value. Value is either ‘short-float’, ‘single-float’,
‘double-float’, or ‘long-float’. The default is the value of the
‘*read-default-float-format*’ special variable. A value of ‘nil’
means that the return value is a rational number.
Keyword argument SIGNIFICAND-RADIX and EXPONENT-RADIX is the radix
for the digits of the significand and exponent respectively. Value
has to be an integer between 2 and 36, inclusive. The default is 10.
Case is not significant for the digit characters ‘A’ to ‘Z’ when
parsing numbers with a radix greater than 10.
Keyword argument EXPONENT-BASE is the base of the power term. Value
has to be an integer greater than or equal to 2. The default is 10.
Return value is a floating-point number of type FLOAT-FORMAT iff a
decimal point or exponent part is present and FLOAT-FORMAT is not
null. Otherwise, value is a rational number. Secondary value is
the number of characters read.
The ‘read-float’ function expects an optional sign followed by a
non-empty sequence of digits. It does recognize a decimal point and
an exponent part. Leading or trailing whitespace is not ignored.
If the file ends in the middle of a floating-point number
representation, ‘read-float’ signals an ‘end-of-file’ error
regardless of the value of the EOF-ERROR-P argument.
Converting a floating-point number to the specified FLOAT-FORMAT
type may signal an ‘arithmetic-error’ condition, for example, a
‘floating-point-overflow’ or ‘floating-point-underflow’ error.
The result if undefined if the sequences of valid plus and minus sign characters intersect.
Read an integer from an input stream.
Optional first argument INPUT-STREAM is an input stream designator.
The default is standard input.
Optional second argument EOF-ERROR-P is a generalized boolean.
If an end of file error occurs and EOF-ERROR-P is false, EOF-VALUE
is returned. Otherwise, signal an ‘end-of-file’ error. The default
is true.
Optional third argument EOF-VALUE is an object. See above for more
details. The default is nil.
Optional fourth argument RECURSIVEP is a generalized boolean. True
means that this call is expected to be embedded in a higher-level
call to ‘read’ or a similar function used by the Lisp reader. The
default is false.
Keyword argument UNSIGNED-NUMBER is a generalized boolean. True means
to read an unsigned positive number. If UNSIGNED-NUMBER is ‘:plus’,
an explicit plus sign character signals a ‘parse-error’ but negative
numbers are permitted. The default is false.
Keyword argument PLUS-SIGN is a sequence of valid plus sign
characters. The plus sign is used to denote a positive number.
The default is the value of the ‘*default-plus-sign*’ special
Keyword argument MINUS-SIGN is a sequence of valid minus sign
characters. The minus sign is used to denote a negative number.
The default is the value of the ‘*default-minus-sign*’ special
Keyword argument GROUP-SEPARATOR is a sequence of valid group
separator characters. The group separator is used to separate the
digits of a number into groups. The default is the value of the
‘*default-group-separator*’ special variable. The group separator
of a number can not change, i.e. the first matching group separator
fixes the group separator for the rest of the number.
Keyword argument RADIX is a radix. Value has to be an integer between
2 and 36, inclusive. The default is 10. Case is not significant for
the digit characters ‘A’ to ‘Z’ when parsing numbers with a radix
greater than 10.
Return value is an integer. Secondary value is the number of
characters read.
The ‘read-integer’ function expects an optional sign followed by a
non-empty sequence of digits in the specified radix. It does not
recognize a decimal point or exponent marker. Leading or trailing
whitespace is not ignored.
If the file ends in the middle of an integer representation,
‘read-integer’ signals an ‘end-of-file’ error regardless of
the value of the EOF-ERROR-P argument.
The result if undefined if the sequences of valid plus and minus sign characters intersect.
Framework for reading numbers. The local bindings available in BODY
are documented below.
– next-char (&optional (EOF-QUIT-P t)) [Function]
Read the next character from INPUT-STREAM. If optional
argument EOF-QUIT-P is true, call ‘quit’ if no character
can be read. Modifies ‘next-char’ and maybe ‘length’.
– next-char [Variable]
The last character read by the ‘next-char’ function.
– quit () [Function]
Undo the effects of the ‘next-char’ function. Return RESULT
if a valid number could be read. Otherwise, signal an error.
– length [Variable]
The total number of characters read so far. This is the
secondary value returned by the ‘quit’ function. This
variable shall be considered read-only.
– digits [Variable]
The total number of digits consumed so far. This variable
can be modified by the user. A value of zero indicates for
the ‘quit’ function that no valid number could be read.
– read-int (RADIX GROUP-SEPARATOR) [Function]
Read a sequence of digits and return its numerical value.
May call ‘next-char’ and ‘quit’. Maybe modifies ‘digits’.
Return true if OBJECT is a sequence of characters. If OBJECT is an empty sequence, value is true, too.
Return true if CHAR is a standard digit character.
First argument CHAR has to be a character object.
Optional second argument RADIX is an integer between 2 and 36,
inclusive. The default is 10.
Return value is the weight of CHAR as an integer, or nil.
Type specifier for a sequence of characters.
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