# Reblocks Navigation Widget
<a id="reblocks-navigation-widget-asdf-system-details"></a>
* Description: A container widget which switches between children widgets when user changes an url.
* Licence: Unlicense
* Author: Alexander Artemenko <svetlyak.40wt@gmail.com>
* Homepage: [https://40ants.com/reblocks-navigation-widget/][1f1d]
* Bug tracker: [https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/issues][c83a]
* Source control: [GIT][a78a]
* Depends on: [log4cl][7f8b], [reblocks][184b], [str][ef7f]

## Installation
You can install this library from Quicklisp, but you want to receive updates quickly, then install it from Ultralisp.org:
(ql-dist:install-dist "http://dist.ultralisp.org/"
:prompt nil)
(ql:quickload :reblocks-navigation-widget)
## Usage
This addon for Reblocks frameworks allows you to define which widgets should be
shown to the user dependening on ‘URL‘’s path.
The main entry-point is [‘defroutes‘][5f0d] macro. Use it to define a subclass of
navigation widget and then return this widget from the session initialization
method of your Reblocks application.
## Nested routes
Starting from version 0.9.0, the library supports nested routes.
This allows you to combine routes defined in separate systems.
For example, lets pretend we have a separate ‘ASDF‘ system for user management.
It defines it’s routes like this:
(defroutes users
("/" (make-user-list))
("/add" (make-new-user-form)))
And now, if we want to incorporate this user management app into our app having
it’s own routing, we can do this by using a prefix rule:
(defroutes main
;; a subroutes
((:prefix "/users") (make-users))
;; a usual widget
("/stats" (make-stats)))
In it’s turn, ‘MAIN‘ router could be used in app having it’s own ‘PREFIX‘ ‘/admin‘. Here is how
this nested setup will be processed by navigation widgets.
When user opens a page with ‘URI‘ ‘/admin/users/add‘, then ‘MAIN‘ widget will be rendered
first. It will see the app has ‘/admin‘ prefix and will cut it from the ‘URI‘. Then ‘MAIN‘ routes
widget will check ‘/users/add‘ against it’s rules and will create ‘USERS‘ widget. ‘RENDER‘ method
of ‘USERS‘ widget will be called with ‘*current-path*‘ set to ‘/admin/users‘. In it’s turn,
‘USERS‘ widget will cut ‘/admin/users‘ prefix from the whole ‘URI‘ ‘/admin/users/add‘ and will check
‘/add‘ against it’s rules to find out it need to create a ‘NEW-USER-FORM‘.
## API
### [macro](db42) ‘reblocks-navigation-widget:defroutes‘ class-name &body rules
Defines a new class with name ‘CLASS-NAME‘, inherited from [‘navigation-widget‘][9fc2].
And a function ‘make-{class-name}‘ to make instances of this class.
Each entry in rules should be a list of two items. First item is a regex pattern to match ‘URL‘ path.
Second item is a form to create a widget. A new widget will be created only if ‘URL‘
was changed.
Here is an example of a widget with two rules:
(defroutes tasks-routes
("/tasks/d+" (make-task-page))
("/tasks/" (make-task-list "Make my first Reblocks app"
"Deploy it somewhere"
"Have a profit")))
With these rules, when user opens ‘URL‘ ‘/tasks/‘ a widget returned by ‘MAKE-TASK-LIST‘
will be set as [‘current-widget‘][2e97] and shown to the user. If user clicks on some task
and ‘URL‘ change to ‘/tasks/100500‘, then a widget for a task will be created by a call
**Pay attention** that widget creation form is responsible for extraction of the parameters
from the ‘URL‘. In above case, ‘MAKE-TASK-PAGE‘ should call ‘REBLOCKS/REQUEST:GET-PATH‘ and
parse path to extract task’s id. Probably this will change in future defroutes will catch
matched path pieces.
### [class](04b6) ‘reblocks-navigation-widget:navigation-widget‘ (widget)
Base class for all navigation widgets.
When rendered it tracks if ‘URL‘ was changed and
creates a new child widget according to given navigation rules.
Usually you don’t want to inherit from this class manually,
but instead use [‘defroutes‘][5f0d] macro.
### [reader](3698) ‘reblocks-navigation-widget:current-widget‘ (navigation-widget) (= nil)
### [reader](4b8a) ‘reblocks-navigation-widget:current-path‘ (navigation-widget) (= nil)
A whole path including the app’s prefix.
### [reader](402c) ‘reblocks-navigation-widget:navigation-rules‘ (navigation-widget) (:rules)
[1f1d]: https://40ants.com/reblocks-navigation-widget/
[5f0d]: https://40ants.com/reblocks-navigation-widget/#x-28REBLOCKS-NAVIGATION-WIDGET-3ADEFROUTES-20-2840ANTS-DOC-2FLOCATIVES-3AMACRO-29-29
[9fc2]: https://40ants.com/reblocks-navigation-widget/#x-28REBLOCKS-NAVIGATION-WIDGET-3ANAVIGATION-WIDGET-20CLASS-29
[a78a]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget
[7c86]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/actions
[db42]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/blob/ac2b8a50279b61e6c6c5eb9e6d3be4158dc80636/src/core.lisp#L106
[04b6]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/blob/ac2b8a50279b61e6c6c5eb9e6d3be4158dc80636/src/core.lisp#L22
[3698]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/blob/ac2b8a50279b61e6c6c5eb9e6d3be4158dc80636/src/core.lisp#L23
[4b8a]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/blob/ac2b8a50279b61e6c6c5eb9e6d3be4158dc80636/src/core.lisp#L25
[402c]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/blob/ac2b8a50279b61e6c6c5eb9e6d3be4158dc80636/src/core.lisp#L31
[c83a]: https://github.com/40ants/reblocks-navigation-widget/issues
[7f8b]: https://quickdocs.org/log4cl
[184b]: https://quickdocs.org/reblocks
[ef7f]: https://quickdocs.org/str
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