This is the text-query Reference Manual, version 1.1, generated automatically by Declt version 4.0 beta 2 "William Riker" on Sat Mar 15 07:58:03 2025 GMT+0.
The main system appears first, followed by any subsystem dependency.
A general text-based system for querying the user.
Peter Scott <>
Mark Kantrowitz
Free use, modification, and distribution. Copyright 1993 by Mark Kantrowitz.
Files are sorted by type and then listed depth-first from the systems components trees.
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
Packages are listed by definition order.
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
(special variable).
Definitions are sorted by export status, category, package, and then by lexicographic order.
QUERY is used for asking questions of the user. OPTIONS is a property-list
containing the following keywords:
:TYPE :char or :line (how *query-io* is read)
:CHOICES A list containing entries of the form
(<value> . <key>*) or ((<value> <print>) . <key>*),
where <value> is the value to be returned, <key> is
a character or string, as the case may be, that is
used to select the <value>, and <print> is printed
when the value is selected.
:BEEP Specifies whether to ring the bell.
:CLEAR-INPUT If T, does a clear-input before querying.
:FRESH-LINE If T, starts on a fresh line before printing
the prompt.
:LIST-CHOICES If T, prints a list of the choices after the prompt.
:HELP-STRING A string to be printed if the user asks for help.
:TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait, if using timeouts.
:TIMEOUT-DEFAULT The default value to use if the query times out.
:STREAM The stream to use. Defaults to *query-io*
:SIGNAL-CONDITION If T, will signal a condition of type QUERY-ERROR
before proceeding. If non-NIL but not T, uses the
value as the name of the condition.
:EOF-ERROR-P If T (the default), signals an error if eof is
reached. If NIL, returns EOF-VALUE upon reaching eof
:EOF-VALUE Value returned if eof is reached and eof-error-p is
Y-OR-N-P prints the message, if supplied, and reads a character from *QUERY-IO* until the user types a Y or an N, returning T and NIL, respectively. Repeats the request if the user typed anything else. Also, if a H or ? is enterred, prints a brief help message. If you want a question mark at the end of the message, you must put it there yourself; Y-OR-N-P will not add it.
Y-OR-N-P-WAIT is like Y-OR-N-P, but will timeout after TIMEOUT seconds with DEFAULT as the default value.
YES-OR-NO-P prints the message, if supplied, rings the bell, and reads a line from *QUERY-IO* (ignoring whitespace) until the user types YES or NO, returning T and NIL, respectively. Repeats the request if the user typed anything else. Also, if HELP, H or ? is enterred, prints a brief help message. If you want a question mark at the end of the message, you must put it there yourself; YES-OR-NO-P will not add it.
YES-OR-NO-P-WAIT is like YES-OR-NO-P, but will timeout after TIMEOUT seconds with DEFAULT as the default value.
Amount of time to sleep between checking query-io. In multiprocessing Lisps, this allows other processes to continue while we busy-wait. If 0, skips call to SLEEP.
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